Tamkang University Single Sign On(SSO) Please enter your account id and password Account id: Password: Forgot password? 中文介面 Account/Password Security Hints Service Center Account id:Students, Alumni, please use your student number; Faculty, Staff, please use your employees id (6 digits). Accounts login-ENabled: current and suspended students, alumni graduated since the 1982, and current and retired faculty and staff. Accounts login-DISabled: students who have dropped out, alumni who graduated in the 1981 and before, and faculty and staff who has resigned or their appointment period has expired. Password:For the first time login, please use 'Tku' + your birthday(ex. birthday:1997/02/25, password:Tku19970225);After successfully login, the browser will lead to the change password page. Please follow the on-screen instructions(or refer to here) to change the password, and remember this new password for subsequent password verification when you need to login the school information system. If you do not change the password, the next time you login again, you will still be directed to the change password page and ask you to change the password. When you forget your password, please follow The steps to reset your password to obtain your temporary password, otherwise please fill out the application form 'APPLICATION FORM FOR TKU SSO PASSWORD RESET' directly, and follow the instructions on the form. If there are other service requests, contact the Service Center (02)2621-5656 Ext. 2468. After browsing, log out and close all browsers before leaving the computer, in order to avoid fraudulent use of your identity, and to ensure that personal information is not compromised, otherwise the next user may discover your personal confidential information by your identity. Display a "SSL Security alert of this web site"? That is because this site has been applied HTTPS on login page(Ensure that you enter the password will not be stolen in the network transmission), And yet your browser not trust the SSL certificate used by HTTPS. Be sure to install the root certificate of the TKU CA, PDS-RCA II, issued the SSL certificate of the system currently in use, and to make sure that your computer has been "trust" this root certificate. If not yet trust the root certificate, download the root certificate and decompress, then install this root certificate into the "local computer" of the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store", then re-open this page after the successful installation. Please refer to the detailed installation document Steps to Install PDS-RCA II. About the SSO account and password issues, please contact: Office of Information Services/Service Center : :(02) 2621-5656 Ext. 2468. Students leave related issues, please contact: Office of Student Affairs/Guidance Section :(02) 2621-5656 Ext. 2214, 2217, 2817.